Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Maria Callas

Recently with finals coming up I’ve found myself turning to classical music and opera to listen to while I study and the singer Maria Callas really stood out to me. Her Ave Maria in particular is just gorgeous and I find myself listening to her even when I’m not studying. I love how soft her voice can be while still having so much power behind it, her tone is incredible. There’s also so much feeling in how she sings. How the sound builds in her version of Madame Butterfly is also breathtaking. I watched a quick interview with her, and her mentality is very interesting she says that on her bad days one side of her brain is fighting the other, the proud side vs the pessimist side of her. She’s an amazing actress as well. Her stage presence is astonishing, when she sing O Mio Babbino by Puccini she looks like she is about to cry.
 Maria Callas Interview
Maria Callas Ave Maria
Maria Callas Madame Butterfly
Maria Callas O Mio Babbino Caro 

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