Tuesday, December 20, 2016

For most of my life, I have viewed classical music as pretty but dull. That it, however tedious at times, is a necessary byproduct of learning music. But if you ever get to hear a piece that is truly done well, is understood by the performers on an intellectual and emotional level, and is executed with passion, it will move you in ways you would never imagine. In his ted talk the transformative power of classical music, Benjamin Zander demonstrates this. Zander believes that everyone loves classical music; they just haven't realized it yet. Zander is an incredible speaker, and uses every method of persuasion to get his audience to appreciate classical music the way he does. Of these methods, it is his performance itself that is the most convincing. If you are not a fan of classical music, watch the video, maybe you will find that you love it, and as he says, you just hadn't realized it.

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