Friday, December 16, 2016

Lady Gaga Sound of Music Performance

I chose this video because I think it’s really nice to see famous singers go outside of their usual genres. In my opinion a lot of the music on the radio today doesn’t show singers talent or challenge them. So much of our music today is so heavily autotuned that most singers don’t have to have great vocal talent. So to hear Lady Gaga, who has sung her fair share of pop music, can sing a true song like this one, without autotuning. I have respect for Lady Gaga because of this performance as well as others like things I have seen that she has done. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! I am so glad that someone posted something about Lady Gaga. She is absolutely one of my favorite artists and this video just makes me love her more. I think my favorite part of this performance was her flawless transition from chest to head voice, something I am always super envious of. What I also think is great about this performance is the contrast in what she normally does. I listen to a lot of her music and I know that she usually has a very chesty and belting sound. Don't get me wrong I love hearing her voice do that, but this is so new and different which makes it so much cooler. I feel like Lady Gaga gets a lot of criticism for some of the unusual things she does like wearing a meat dress. However, she is actually an extremely gifted singer, songwriter, and pianist. She has even performed with Elton John. I love her quirkiness because she has always been herself and been very original, which is the best thing you can be.
