Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Jon Bellion

Recently I've discovered a new freaking awesome artist by the name of Jon Bellion. You may have heard his song "All Time Low" playing a ton on the radio and thought "oh damn this is a good song", well you would be right. Jon Bellion is a singer, songwriter, producer, rapper and for now my favorite artist out there. His music is really a work of art consisting of sick beats and amazing thoughtful lyrics. A lot of other artist that I've listened to seem disconnected with their music, but when watching or listening to Jon singing you can tell that hes's full connected with what he's actually saying. There are very few artist where I can connect with what their saying and I think because I can relate to his music, it shows how talented he is. Not only is his music entertaining but it's also something you can listen to when your stressed (at least for me). Anyways you guys should really check him out. Here are a few of my favorite songs by him: Guillotine, Luxury, Jim Morrison, Woke the F*ck Up, Run Wild, and Human. Check him out!!!!


  1. I totally agree! I discovered his music a few months ago, downloaded his whole album, and have been enjoying his music ever since. Like you said, he really gets into the music heś singing, and you can really feel the expression in the words heś saying. Love this post!

  2. I love John Bellion! He is so talented! I think his music is actually really audially interesting, not just because of the lyrics. He mixes rap and alternative music together. He can create an atmosphere very well without it being too cheesy. In 80s Films, he gets the 80s vibe without it sounding too 80s. I've listened to a lot of his lives and acoustics and he has a good voice, even though in a lot of his songs it is synthesized.
