Thursday, October 13, 2016

Computer Animated Music, It's Really Cool

I love music, and I love animation, but what if they are put together? That’s exactly what I’m going to talk about. Meet Animusic, or computer animated music. This company make animations that are non age limited, non gender specific, nor specified to teens, toddlers, or adults. Many people enjoy it, and I think it’s pretty cool. First, they record the music. Next, using computer technology, they recreate the instruments to magically animate the music. Finally, they put it together to create an enjoyable, really cool animated music, like a record album where you can see the music. In the video below, uses a drum kit, pipe organs, a one string bass guitar, piano/harpsichord, clarinet, xylophone, pan flute, and pyrotechnics. The instruments play parts of Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition.  These parts include “Promenade”, parts of “Hut on Fowls Legs”, or “Baba Yaga”, and The Great Gate of Kiev”.  I hope you enjoy and comment if you really like it.

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