Thursday, October 13, 2016

Aneesh Blog - The Evolution of Michael Jackson

Once the blog post was assigned, I knew which topic I had to do it on. One of my favorite musical videos on Youtube is called, "The Evolution of Michael Jackson" by the Pentatonix. Pentatonix is a musical acapella group that produces fun and interesting covers and timelines of music. In this video they sing various Michael Jackson songs from when he was young to the near now. I thought this music was very interesting because Michael Jackson was such an influential musician and hearing his voice being produced in a new way was amazing. They used various groups like we do in choir, a bass, baritone, tenor, soprano and a beat boxer. I especially liked the powerful underlying sound of the bass. I really enjoyed the part where they went through Smooth Criminal because it was a climax that hit an amazing point. Hearing all their voices blend was beautiful and almost brought me to an uplifting state. The songs were so cool and really motivate me to put in so much work into singing so I could maybe one day have a voice like them. As a bass, I could only hope to one day be like the bass in this group. I would highly recommend watching this video to anybody and would suggest you watch more videos by them as well. 


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