Sunday, October 4, 2015

With all the Opera we’re singing I figured it would be good to look at different types of Operas and how it applies to our concert selections.
A basic rundown of Opera:
Opera Seria:  the dominating form for some time, it tackled serious topics with serious style. Enjoyed primarily by the upper classes, this opera type was nearly synonymous with court opera
Opera Buffa: aka comic opera, this style gave rise as a popular rival to Opera Seria. Buffa is heavily comedic with comic characters/music/etc. It featured more of the current vernacular, which popularized it with the ‘common man’
Opera Semiseria: as you could guess by the name, this style is semi-serious; where the story is serious with a happy ending.
Opera Comique: Opera where the lines a spoken rather than sung.
Grand Opera: large scale performances, often includes ballet
Opera Verismo: Meant to be representative of more realistic people. The plot was often melodramatic.
Going through our (Bella Voce’s) selections, we can see these styles in our songs, as well as how we can apply that knowledge to improve our performance.
Call of the Flowers – Lakme – Leo Delibes
Lakme is an Opera Comique about a tragic love. Call of the Flowers introduces Lakme, the love interest, and describes the beauty of flowers surrounding her and her companion.
Chantons – Armide by Jean Baptiste Lully
Armide was the first opera in the operatic genre of Tragédie en musique which was invented by Lully. Tragédie en musique falls somewhere between Opera Semiseria and Grand Opera, with a chorus and ballet troupe telling epic noble tales which don’t necessarily end in tragedy. Armide however is not so lucky. But we should sing Chanton keeping in mind the grand productions of Tragédie en musique
Ricevete – Marriage of Figaro – WA Mozart
Marriage of Figaro is an opera buffa, a comedic opera. As such, Ricevete is a lighthearted song about giving flowers as a show of adoration and love.
Svegliatevi nel core- Julius Caesar – GF Handel
Obviously an Opera Seria, Svegliatevi is heavily dramatic, and the severity of the lyrics should be conveyed properly.
Three Little Maids – Mikado – Glbert and Sullivan
Mikado is regarded as ‘the most frequently performed Savoy Opera’ to this day, Savoy being a style of comic opera. As we have discussed in class, this song needs to maintain that comedic element throughout the piece.

Hopefully keeping the spirit of Opera in mind, by knowing this we can improve our performances.

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