Monday, October 5, 2015

Put Yourself Out There :)

Recently I just learned that singing is not about being good or bad at it. I was always a very shy singer, I would stay quiet and not project because I was ashamed of my voice. I thought that people would judge my voice. Many amazing singers that I know are afraid to project their voice because of the fear of being judged by the people around them. People also say that they wont sing loudly because they sing wrong. The only way that can be fixed is by singing loudly because then your instructor of teacher can fix that certain problem you have. Another large thing is to sing with energy because even if you have an amazing voice but you don't sing with energy, that means that the whole choir will loose their energy. However imagine if the whole choir if full of energy and movement, that will bring more energy into the song and more meaning to it. A couple days ago someone in my past choir class told me they did not want to sing loudly because they were afraid that people will think that their voice is bad. I told her, if you sing loud and full of confidence then people will just go with it and not make fun of you. Choir is like a family, the whole point is to work as a whole, not separate parts. Everyone will support you and correct you if you have made a mistake. Choir is about Harmony and Friendship and Singing.


  1. I really like how you really emphasized to need to sing loudly and be energized. I cannot tell you how many times I think I can't hit a note and then I will go home and try it again and I can because I projected and opened up more. It's very important to sing loudly because you really do mess up less the louder and more confidently you sing. I have definitely dealt with this, but only in ensembles or choruses which I find kind of odd, but oh well. Anyway, your post is very important for all singers with any amount of experience. It's that small change you make that can determine whether you hit that note or not.

  2. My first two years of choir were very timid, in my opinion. However I did have the amazing experience of getting to sing with both Zachary Dammann and Ryan Fish. It was really these guys that showed me that our PCS choir is a family. As you said Sasha, there are always people there for you in choir, they can help you with your theory, your solfegge, your sound files, or whatever it is that you need. One of the best opportunities to get closer to your classmates, mainly in other grades, is to go to choir events, like the men did when we went to real men sing in 8th grade. Too bad Ms. Hughes missed it these last couple years...sad face. I have always felt supported by my classmates, and Im still in contect with those choir guys.

  3. Sasha I totally understand, when I first started PCS I was so shy and never sang out because I thought my voice was awful, or i though people were going to judge me.When i first started out I would always hear the older girls in the group sing so beautifully that it made me scared to sing out, but then I realized how was I suppose to get better if I barely sing, so I decided to project and work on building my voice. And over they years my voice has matured, but also it has grown stronger, and is still growing. And my confidence when singing has grown too :) I agree with all that you said and everybody goes through all those insecurities about themselves, but eventually realize that everything takes practice.
