Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Wait For It

I saw that someone's already made a post on Hamilton, but I actually found something related to that. There's this great cover of one of the best songs in the show, Wait For It, that Curie High School's Musicality Vocal Ensemble did and it's absolutely brilliant. I love how they gave multiple solos to different members of the choir, both boys and girls, even though the song is sung on Broadway by a man. I think honestly the message of this song is absolutely so important and heart-wrenching, and this choir takes every single beautiful lyric and somehow makes it even better than it is in the original recording. I especially love when it breaks into the bridge at 1:32 because that's when the harmonies start to kick in, and it's also when you hear the choir sing as a group for the first time. I don't know, it's just a really beautiful cover.


  1. I really really like this cover. It is sort of odd to see the song taken out of context (I couldn't imagine it except in that era) but they do a very good job. I think the obvious difference is this is a choir piece, which shifts around solos and harmonies and things. This is probably one of my favorite songs from the show, but it sneaks up on you. There are some songs that you hear and you immediately think 'yes, that,' but this one is much more subtle. I do think a lot of the power behind it lies in the story. It might take longer to really understand this song because the first time you listen to the album you're just trying to keep up with what's happening. When you listen to it more, I think you realize Burr isn't a villain. And yeah, the whole show is kind of about that, but this is the first time we learn about him as a person and really get into his character. That is the only reason this cover isn't really the same, but it is beautifully done. I would not believe they were high school students if you hadn't said it.

  2. I've never seen Hamilton, but I really enjoyed this cover. I think it was very well done. I especially liked the harmony and pretty much how it all sounded. I also liked that different choir members got little small parts during the song. From hearing and seeing this choir sing song kind of makes me wanna see Hamilton. People tell me that Hamilton is a very interesting thing is that I should watch it because it's really good.

  3. My favorite part of this cover was that even in it's altered choral arrangement, the song retained a lot of the musical elements that makes it such a powerful moment in the Broadway show. The dynamics and tempo were nicely in line with what we have come to expect from the genius that is Lin Manuel Miranda, but they also put their own spin on it which I appreciate. Additionally, I think it's worth noting that this group is very diverse, which may seem like a minor thing, but given the context is really cool. One of the main things that makes "Hamilton" so attractive is that it is a story about America's very very very white founding fathers, many of whom owned slaves (looking at you, T. Jeff) told by an almost entirely POC cast. It's a really powerful way of reclaiming a history that POC have often felt little to no connection to, so I'm glad that remained in this cover, even if it was likely largely coincidental.
