Sunday, November 29, 2015

Choir sings set fire to the rain by Adele
Choir sings "Set Fire To The Rain" by Adele
I chose this video because I like this song so I wanted to see how I it would sound in a choir. I like that in the beginning they start making sounds that sounds like rain I like how they snapped and them when they were stopping they went back they want to clapping and then for the Sunder that they jumped to make that kind of big sound of thunder. I liked that they were all wearing black because it goes well with the song because it's kind of a motional. I liked all of the different voices in this song especially because you hear each individual one. I enjoyed mostly the beginning because of the sounds of rain, but I also like when they went back to the rain from their singing, I personally think it was a nice transition. Another thing I enjoyed that the choir did was that they moved with the song and seemed to be enjoying themselves and some of them stood nice and straight. I really liked the background that was blue and only showed images but not sound as the choir will do the sound. In conclusion I really like the performance and I think that I would've been really fun to see them in person.

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