Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Lately I've gotten really obsessed with listening to the acoustic versions of pop songs. I think its really interesting to see how the entire color of a song can change when it goes from being electronic to being something played on an acoustic guitar or piano. I think I'm drawn to them because acoustic covers have this authenticity about them that I can appreciate as someone who's a singer; you feel like you're actually listening to a person on the other side and not just a robot, and I think that can make the stories that we hear in songs a lot more emotional since we can actually form a connection with the singer while listening to them. Also, it just makes it a lot easier to figure out how to sing them yourself.


  1. I totally agree with this! Technology has definitely revolutionized the way that music is created. Personally, I am really not a huge fan of the robotic noises made by computers that are put into songs. Like you said, it's not authentic. What really bothers me is that it does not take a whole lot of musical "talent" to create those pieces generated by computers. Many programs already contain their sample sounds. To a certain extent, it could be considered an art to put together a piece through computed sounds. But, with singers, the technological advancements in auto-tune programs and the comparatively low prices at which they are priced at now, allow anyone to become a singer; talent is not required. And since anyone is able to be put on a track with autotune, this causes the music industry to find people with the "look" of being a popstar rather than the quality of their musicianship. I find it really strange how uncommon it is to find a song that I really like with a guitar or piano in the background, (unless of course it is Ed Sheeran, Adele, Or Sam Smith.) Even Sam Smith, for example, has a song, "Latch" and "Nirvana" and the upbeat pop versions are great, but with the acoustic version, there's so much more of an emotional impact that the song has. This is not to say that computer-generated music is bad, I just feel like it has become much too prominent in modern pop music; it depreciates the value of real musicianship.

  2. at least for me, there is a greater depth of emotion that can only be pulled out with stretched gut and hair. i don't know if this is due to a greater depth and complexity in the sound or simply a historical association of acoustic instruments with quality. this is not to say that the level of artistry is unequal in electronically altered music, and that computers have added a whole new field for creativity.
