Thursday, October 1, 2015


In Airbag by Radiohead I really like how the quite high guitar parts coupled with the very psychedelic guitar parts, bass, drum beats, and violin in this case come together to make a really beautiful sound that seems to back off a little when Thom Yorke's vocals come in. This basic style of psychedelic guitar coupled with clearer guitar and drum is used a lot in Radiohead songs, but the songs are still very different. I really love how if you really listen you can almost loose yourself in the instrumentals and vocals. Another really great song to listen to is Planet Telex, it has similar psychedelic tones, but the psychedelic tones are higher and the rest is a little lower creating a really cool sound. It's also really cool how Radiohead branches out, if you listen to high and dry or creep they focus more on the vocals, and they're just as powerful. The vocals in a lot of Radiohead's songs are really demanding and Thom Yorke does an amazing job although you can hear imperfections weather intended or unintended, I kind of like it when you can hear the imperfections in a singers voice because it shows how hard it was and it makes it seem realer than some other modern artists, who in my opinion rely too much on auto-tune and should just go without it.  (Sorry for using Psychedelic so much and kind of rambling on a bit too much, I just love Radiohead so much).



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