Thursday, October 1, 2015

Jonathan and Charlotte's Britain's Got Talent Audition

I was watching random auditions and I saw this beautiful opera duo. Jonathan Antoine (the performer in the video) a 17 year old boy, auditions at Britain's Got Talent with his friend Charlotte and totally surprises the judges! Then they start to sing and it was unbelievable. Jonathan’s voice is so “unbelievable”. He has pure talent. My favorite part of this audition is around time  3:15 when it pulls back and you can hear both voices working together more instead of Jonathan’s voice overpowering Charlotte’s. I do agree with Simon when he says that Jonathan definitely does not need any accompaniment. I think that Charlotte sounds very closed and tight when singing that high with Jonathan. However I do like the echoing of the english after the phrase sung by Jonathan, but I want it done by someone other than Charlotte. On a less technical note, I love Jonathan’s  personality. I love him being very humble and shocked after he’s sung and the judges are telling him how brilliant he is, I love him wanting to stay with his friend Charlotte when Simon tells him to dump her, I love him starting to sing early and then realizing he was off, and I love his warm feeling that he shows on stage.Lastly I would like to point out what Simon says right when Jonathan walks on stage, Jonathan is very large and when Simon sees him he says “just when you think things couldn’t get any worse” but Simon ate his words after he heard him sing. This performance gave me goose bumps!!

Here is the link:

1 comment:

  1. Thats really funny! I love watching Britain's got talent on my free time! Its so amazing to discover new people with really unique voices. Listening to there own styles of singing to just singing the original songs, is just so mind blowing. Especially finding the videos of kids and teens who seem very timid at first, but then they start to sing. Its so breath taking you almost want to think that there lip singing the whole thing. It's always when you get to see the judges faces when they start to sing. I have actually seen this video a couple of times and its so shocking to see these people who haven't ever got on stage in front of so many people before, and then just blow the roof off. I believe that they sound really good together, and I like how Jonathan stands up for his partner, because one he believes that they sound good, and the crowd loves them. This was a good post Emma! Thank you for sharing it! This is diffidently worth watching!
