Friday, December 4, 2015

Ola Gjeilo

My original thought for this post was to write about another choir singing Tundra that I thought did sung it really well. While I found a video that I enjoyed (link below) with really amazing dynamics and an absolutely beautiful soloist (which was sadly difficult to understand the words), I ended up watching video after video of other Ola Gjeilo pieces.

The piece I’m writing about which is my new absolute favorite is called Ubi Caritas (unaccompanied). I listened to a version performed by CWU Chamber Choir with and without accompaniment and the acapella version was much more interesting to listen to. Similar to Tundra, this piece is very slow, smooth, soft, and sweet. Haha so many s words! But it has gorgeous dynamics that give it amazing color so you want to listen all the way to the end (and so you don’t fall asleep haha!). In addition I think this piece sounds really nice with both men and women. It surprisingly stays soft and isn’t harsh as I would have expected. It begins very soft and then slowly becomes very dramatic but only for a short amount of time near the beginning, and slowly gets calmer and calmer. It reminds me of the ocean, right when there is a swell and then the waves settle down. (WOW SO DEEP). I can’t even describe how gorgeous the harmonies are. How do people make this stuff? Goals. But please check it out if you love Tundra. Also CWU Chamber Choir is extremely talented, both their mixed and women’s choir. ENJOY! Choir singing Tundra AWESOMELY

1 comment:

  1. I listened to both links you posted, and I did enjoy both of them! I think that what made both of these choirs so good was their AMAZING use of dynamics, and they had an outstanding tone. The harmony was super well blended, and each choir had one voice--not a 20, or however many people were in the choir, voice, just one single voice that resonated throughout the entire space. Both pieces were really calming and soothing to the ear, and they gave me a couple of minutes to just sit, relax, and enjoy listening to beautifully composed and sung pieces.
