Tuesday, December 1, 2015

my music

A few days ago I was downloading some new songs and decided to scroll through my music, and WOW! the songs that I saw on my computer were shocking. I had a bunch of old songs that are no longer heard of anymore. But the cool thing (for me at least) was that I realized that I have a very diverse collection of music. Know this probably sounds stupid but for me I always thought I was only into Hip hop and R&B and rap, but when I was scrolling through my music I found that I listened to alternative stuff (which I had no idea what it meant until know), I listened to some rock, some screamo, and some oldies. Y’all probably think it lame but it cool to see how as time goes on and we get more matured, our taste in music changes so much. It cool though because even if we grow out of a phase we still enjoy the past genres of music that we listened to (at least that’s how I feel about it). In generally music for me at least, is an extension of myself, I can express myself through the music I listen just like when you express yourself through the clothes you wear. Its cool to experiment with music and find the things you like, but also I wouldn’t restrict myself from exploring different genres and styles.

1 comment:

  1. I was doing the exact same thing while I had some free time over the weekend (FREE TIME I know rare right?) Anyways, I found so many different genres that it told me so much about my past it was kind of unnerving. Apparently I went through a rap phase and a boy band phase which is funny because these are the two genres I cannot stand anymore.
    In a way, going through old music is like going through a description of your past and listening to all of them is like travelling through your childhood. It is amazing to see how you changed throughout the years and even if it can be embarrassing, it is nice to sometimes just let loose and dance it out to songs that you would never care to admit you spent money on (yes I am talking about that embarrassing boy band phase mentioned earlier) but as Taylor Swift would say: "the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
    Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
    I shake it off, I shake it off!"
