Thursday, December 15, 2016


I've never really been that much a fan of mainstream pop music. Maybe it's the hipster in me, I don't know. Recently, however, an exception has been made, in the form of Carly Rae Jepsen's EMOTION side A and B, and that is mostly because of the lyrics.

I'm a poet at heart, and also a lover of less-than-perfect stories of romance - unconventional romances, if you will - so, the first time I heard her song, The One, I was immediately hooked. There's something really special about the story she tells in her lyrics, saying "If you want to, you can hold me tight / But I don't wanna be the one; / It's too much pressure." The whole album is full of songs telling stories like this, and it's made me fall headfirst into this album that's very much out of the norm when it comes to my taste in music.

I don't know, maybe it's just me. Maybe the lyrics won't speak to you the way they speak to me. Even so, you should go give the album a listen.

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