Sunday, February 21, 2016

Ok so this post is entirely out of the blue, but I want to write about the Alvin Ailey dance company because I am super mad that I don't get to see them perform because they are here at the same time I am in Ashland for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. So anyway. Alvin Ailey is a super cool dance company that started back in 1958 in New York, and grew from there so that now they are touring internationally and have performed for millions of millions of people. They do all different types of dancing, but one that caught my attention was where they take an old hymn or folk song, such as "Didnt my Lord Deliver Daniel", which I believe was performed by a PCS choir last year, and they mix some of their modern dancing and make it blend with the music. There dance is very circular, if that makes sense, and they are very adept at getting the look of flowing and blending. Some of Alvin Ailey's works, including Revelations (1960), Night Creature (1974) and Cry (1971), they keep in circulation all of the time, performing one or more of them at every performance. They were created to pay homage to black women, and represent their journey in the 1900s going from "persecution to pride". So if any of you guys are interested in seeing them perform, they are going to be in Berkeley starting on March 29, and you guys should definitely  check them out :). I put the link to their home page below.

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